Social Distancing
The staff at Ma Bicyclette work hard to enforce social distancing in order to respect everyone’s safety & comfort. On site, there are bilingual signs requesting that everyone respect a 2 m distance from one another. Additionally, we have installed several visual cues on the ground to clearly indicate the appropriate places to stand.
Customer Safety
We appreciate our customers pre-bookings for bicycle reservations. However, during this exceptional time Ma Bicyclette, will reimburse any and cancellations (last minute included), trusting that if you or someone in your party does not feel well, or has recently come into contact with someone with Covid-19, that you will stay home. Our staff members will respect the same policy.
Upon your arrival to Ma Bicyclette, you will find our personnel wearing a face mask at all times. There is a plexiglass barrier in place, as well as, a washable cover for the payment pin pad. We have bottles of antiseptic foams and gels available for staff and public use. We will strongly urge all customers to bring their own helmets with them whenever possible.
Bikes and Gear
After each bicycle rental, the bicycle will be thoroughly disinfected with anti-Covid product by a staff member. Any helmets used will be soaked in soapy water and product and left to dry. The bicycles, upon return, will be placed in a designated area until such time as they are thoroughly cleaned. This eliminates any confusion over which bicycles have been disinfected.
Employee Safety
The staff of Ma Bicyclette will be well supported in the event that they need to call in sick and / or self-quarantine for 14 days. They are provided with disposable face masks and gloves. The staff has been trained on how to properly and thoroughly disinfect both the bicycles and helmets.
At both our rentals facility and café, there is a plexiglass barrier in place. The café is offering take-out only via it’s designated counter. The staff continues to practice regular and frequent handwashing. Any common use areas such as washrooms, doorways and lunch seating areas are disinfected daily.